Iran holidays and festivals
Did you make your decision and chose Iran as your travel destination? We want to talk about Iran holidays and festivals for traveling to Iran. Travel to Iran to get to know about it. Are you interested in experiencing that? what do you know about Iran destination tour one of the most famous Iran travel agency in shiraz and also Iran? This is great and you can be sure that the most exciting experiences will be waiting for you. In this article, we introduce all the requirements to travel to Iran. Also, the do and don’ts of traveling to Iran. Also, we answer this question: how to travel to Iran.
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Get acquainted with the most prominent celebrations of Iran holidays and festivals
Ancient Iranian festivals are one of the oldest historical events in Iran, some of which are now listed in the UNESCO World Heritage List of Iran. Researchers have studied the historical documents left from ancient Iran and found out the time of these celebrations. Ancient Iranian festivals are divided into different categories, some of which have been forgotten for years. Ancient Iranian festivals play an effective role in familiarizing with the culture of the ancient Iranian people. If you are interested in getting acquainted with the common customs in holding Iranian celebrations and the time of holding them, join us in this article.
Norouz ceremony
Nowruz celebration has been considered as one of the most important celebrations in Iran since ancient Iran. This celebration is held at the same time as the beginning of April and is the beginning of the solar new year. In the past, Nowruz was divided into two parts: small Nowruz and big Nowruz, and the first day of Farvardin was called Little Nowruz. The first five days of April were also the time of New Year celebrations and were held in public. One of the most important rituals of Nowruz from the distant past to the present was the establishment of colorful tablecloths, which in the past were called Haftsin and over time became Haftsin. Haftsin Nowruz tablecloth includes greens, semno, vinegar, garlic, sumac, elm, and apple; Of course, in various sources, coins are also mentioned as one of the components of this to Iran

Yalda Night Celebration
Yalda night celebration is another ancient celebration of Iran that has preserved its antiquity for many years and is still held today. Yalda night, which is the last night of autumn and the night of the first day of winter, is the longest night of the year and begins at sunset on the last day of Azar and continues until dawn on the first day of January. The night of Yalda was known in ancient times as the night of the birth of the god Mehr. The Iranians believed that on this night Mitra would defeat the devil and then the darkness would go to destruction, and for this reason, the days would be longer and the nights would be shorter.
Yalda celebration is still held in different parts of the world today and its rituals are also common. On this night, families gather together and usually visit the older members of the family. Yalda night table is one of the most fruitful traditional Iranian tables in which from nuts and dried fruits to a variety of colorful fruits and traditional sweets can be seen, but in the past only seven types of nuts and seven fruits were placed on the Yalda night table.
Chahar Shanbeh Soori celebration
Chahar Shanbeh Soori has been one of the other fire festivals in Iran that is still held today. In this celebration, people go to welcome spring. There are various theories about the origin of this celebration. According to one theory, in ancient Iran, people believed that the spirits of their dead would return to their homes near the Feast of Tabernacles; For this reason, fires were lit on the roofs of houses so that their dead could find their homes. The similarity of the roots of this theory to the origins of the celebration of Western Halloween and the celebration of the Mexican dead is also noticeable.Iran holidays