Keryan Canyon
Did you make your decision and chose Iran as your travel destination? We want to tell you about Keryan Canyon for traveling to Iran. Travel to Iran to get to know about it. Are you interested in experiencing that? what do you know about Iran destination tour one of the most famous Iran travel agency in shiraz and also Iran? This is great and you can be sure that the most exciting experiences will be waiting for you. In this article, we introduce all the requirements to travel to Iran. Also, the do and don’ts of traveling to Iran. Also, we answer this question: how to travel to Iran.
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Iran Destination is a well-operated tour operator in Iran which makes your travel to Iran easy. We suggest you to have a look on our Iran Tourism Packages. Our Iran Travel Agency is ready to help you to travel to Iran. Following, read about Keryan Canyon, one of natural amazing site of Qeshm.
Let’s Discover Keryan Canyon
The beautiful Keryan Canyon is located in Qeshm Island, at center of Doulab mountains. The canyon is surrounded by different rocks which have different pits. Pits are created due to water erosion during rainfalls. Interestingly, The water of the pits is drinkable. For many years, however, the pits were source of water of the local people. When one cross through the canyon, a gentle breeze would blow.

Keryan Canyon
At nights, one can enjoy watching the movements of stars. Just a few kilometers away from Keryan Canyon, which is called Doulab since people extract water by a tool named as Doulab which is an equivalent of waterwheel in English.
Most often, one can travel there in all seasons because most of the time, the weather of Qeshm is somewhat warm. Something that make Keryan Canyon attractive, is the color of the pond, which is blueish and greenish in different seasons, so many travelers and tourists go to the Canyon to see the ponds.

Keryan Canyon
However, it’s easy to get there. Just by a private taxi, you will get there in ten minutes from Doulab village. As mentioned before, the canyon is surrounded by different rocks which have different pits. Pits are created due to water erosion during rainfalls. so, please watch your step!
Anyway, one can travel there in all seasons because most of the time, the weather of Qeshm is somewhat warm. Bear in mind that one thing that make Keryan Canyon attractive, is the color of the pond, which is blueish and greenish in different seasons, so many travelers and tourists go to the Canyon to see the ponds.
Iran Destination
Iran Destination is a well-known Iran Tour Operator which makes you the best travel to Iran. So before you travel to Iran, make sure you visit our Iran Tour Packages. Please feel free to contact us regarding any issue. Our Iran Travel Agency is ready to help you by any means.
However, for any further information regarding our tours and offers, please click on our best selling Iran tours:
- Tour of Persia (6 night & 7 Days)
- Iran Highlight tour (11 nights & 12 Days )
- New: Iran Private tour (8 Nights and 9 Days)
- Best Seller of previous month: Iran Desert tour (12 days and 13 night)
- Iran Nomad Tour
- Iran tailor-made Tours (contact us!)
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