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Iran Tour Guide Price

Here, each tour Booker or tour guide in Iran Tour is supposed to own a page on a page with a dedicated URL, and the biography, skills and abilities of the tour guide, along with photo albums and travelogues, will be displayed so that tour guide enthusiasts can get good information in this regard. On the page of each tour guide, the audience can comment on the tour book, and respond. Likes and points from one star to five stars. Soon the tour guides portal will be activated in English, Spanish and Arabic so that foreign tour operators can study the biography of a tour leader, themselves for groups, choose from among the guides. Iran Tour

You can join our team, Iran Destination, and get more acquainted with Iran tour and all of the tourist attractions and all the requirements to travel to Iran. Iran travel agency, Iran Destination, will organize your trip to Iran. You can offer your tailor-made trip to Iran or visit our programs on the Iran tour page. You can contact our Iranian travel agency, our agents are online to answer all your questions about Iran travel. visit Iran is a good choice to get Iran travel services such as hotels in all cities, Shiraz hotel, Tehran hotels, and all services about Iran tourism. Also, you can check out our Facebook, Twitter, and our weblog for more info.

Welcome to the Tour Guides page, our goal of this page is to introduce tour guides or tour corridors or professional Tour Guides in Iran and the world, biography or biography of tour guide, resume and activities, capabilities of tourist guides, executive records of leader and all and all in this portal, we have several thousand people in Iran Tour Guide who live in different cities of Iran And due to the tourism industry prospects, many interested young people have passed tour guide courses in tourism education institutions in recent years and received the tour guide card from the Ministry of Tourism after legal proceedings and entered the country’s tourism market cycle, each Tours must be in contact with a travel agency and operate.

iran tour

Specialties in the implementation of nature and adventure tours by tour guide: Ecotourism Eco-Tourism, Nomad Tours, Rafting Tours, Mountain Climbing Tours, Ski Tours, Hunting Tours, Desert hiking tours and trekking Tours, Trekking Jungle Tours, BirdWatching Tours, Diving Tours, Botany Tours Geological Tours, Cave Climbing Tours

Specialties in running business tours by tour guide: Events tours and festivals Event and Festivals Tours, Conference Tours, Business Meeting Tours Tours

Specialties in the implementation of nature and adventure tours by tour guide: Ecotourism Eco Tourism, Nomad Tours Nomad Tours, Rafting Tours, Mountain Climbing Tours, Ski Tours, Hunting Tours, Desert hiking tours and trekking Tours, Trekking Jungle Tours, BirdWatching Tours, Diving Tours, Botany Tours Geological Tours Geological Tours, Cave Climbing Tours . Iran Tour

Specialties in Health Tours Implementation by Tour Guide: Medical Tours, Health Tours
The tour guide’s wages and salaries are one of the most important for any Lidari tour, determined by the skill, expertise and capability of the tour guide, each tour guide on his page specifies his suggested wages for running domestic tours or foreign tours or incoming tours, writes of his experiences and recounts his memories to everyone while running tours.
The director or tour manager of the travel agency is looking for a professional tour guide in Spanish who is a maximum age of 40 years and has held at least 10 Spanish tours in Iran, and because the type of trip is historical and in part traveling towards the nomads, Tour Guide specializes in nomadic tours and has at least one trip to Spain on his resume, we want On this page, you can easily access the tour guide and be able to connect with the Tour Guide in question. Iran Tour

Iran Tour

Who is a tour guide Iran Tour?

What does the tour guide do? If realistic, the tour guide’s job is one of the most joely jobs in the world and is a way to see the world, get to know the culture and history of countries, the workplace of the tour guide, the history and nature environment, and museums and restaurants and tourist attractions. The difference between a tour guide and a touring performer is that the tour operator or tour operator or travel agency all the work of planning and selling tours and marketing and coordination of hotels and flights and buses and … And this is the tour guide that the passenger from the airport to the airport has to handle and finally return satisfied with an attractive trip. The tour guide should be able to establish an effective and professional relationship with tour passengers, have strong empathy and understanding of the conditions of the passengers, the tour guide should be charismatic. Storytelling and storytelling are the capabilities of the tour leader that entertains passengers along the way and of course, a people-owned tour guide should be flexible. Iran Tour


The leadership power of the tour guide is always exemplary, the preservation of the environment and the belief in respect for all cultures flows in the spirit of the Tour Guide, the innovation and creativity in entertaining travelers make the journey not boring, and it is The Tour Guide who with his special skills can draw such a space for his passengers. One of the key features of the tour guide is having steel nerves so that he can achieve all the problems of the tour. And buckle, because it’s traveling and every moment has a story, stress control is very important for the tour guide and it should also be somewhat familiar with the medical information of the trip to get to know the potential problems of travelers’ illness and of course, the tour guide should magic everyone and act magically. Iran Tour

Iran tourism attractions

10 best Iran tours & trips 2021/2022

About 10 best Iran tours & trips 2022

Iran tourism is very attractive for tourists from different parts of the world. These trips are held in the form of the 10 best Iran tours & trips 2022 to several destinations in one region. Also, sometimes tours from the north to the south of Iran. Iran tours are very attractive due to the conditions of the event. If you are planning to visit Iran, participate in these tours. Of course, Nowruz tours in Iran are much more diverse. Also, you can take full advantage of the Nowruz holiday for Iran tours.