Is Iran safe to visit in 2022? Iran Tour
Despite the engineered picture projected in the mainstream media, Iran tour has always been safe for tourists. Also, almost any tourist who travels to Iran is astonished by the contradiction which exists between the real Iran and the image of this country in the mass media.Iran tour
Besides, Iran has always been an important country and has been attracting rising attention lately. Also, it was due to the escalation of tension between the US and Iran. However, this is not the only factor that makes Iran worth knowing about visiting. Moreover, the heart of the storied Persian empire of antiquity, Iran has long played an important role in the region as an imperial power and later—because of its strategic position and abundant natural resources, especially petroleum—as a factor in colonial and superpower rivalries. Furthermore, the country’s roots as a distinctive culture and society date to the Achaemenian period, which began in 550 BCE.
From the scenic nature to more than hundreds of cultural sites provide people with enough incentive to want to know more and visit Iran. However, there were recently rising concerns for tourists about planning their trip to Iran. It was quite understandable. Iran Tour
You can join our team, Iran Destination, and get more acquainted with Iran tour and all of the tourist attractions and all the requirements to travel to Iran. Iran travel agency, Iran Destination, will organize your trip to Iran. You can offer your tailor-made trip to Iran or visit our programs on the Iran tour page. You can contact our Iranian travel agency, our agents are online to answer all your questions about Iran travel. visit Iran is a good choice to get Iran travel services such as hotels in all cities, Shiraz hotel, Tehran hotels, and all services about Iran tourism. Also, you can check out our Facebook, Twitter, and our weblog for more info.
How did the concerns start to rise?
The stresses and strains raised after Iran’s top military commander, General Qasem Soleimani, was assassinated by the US. Then, Iran retaliated and carried out a ballistic missile attack on US airbases in Iraq. Finally, the crash of a Ukrainian passenger airplane was justified as “human error”. Consequently, The European Union’s air safety agency advised airlines to avoid flying over Iran.
Currently, should you be concerned about your safety in Iran?
The Iranian government has developed a comprehensive vaccination program. Due to the vaccination program, around 80% of the Iranian population has been vaccinated. Also, the disease remains well controlled. Iran Tour
Is it safe for women to travel to Iran Tour?
All women while in Iran are required to follow the dress codes prescribed form women in Iran Tour. Besides, this means wearing a headscarf and not allowing the skins on your arm or legs to be shown while in public.
There is also gender segregation of some public transport. Following these laws will mean women will generally have no issues when it comes to safety.
Moreover, Iranians are renowned for their hospitality, and as a visitor,r you will be invited to many people’s houses for dinner or lunch. Iran Tour
This isn’t as forward as it may seem in other countries and is generally a sign of respect to the guest. There is, however, no obligation to accept such offers.

Travel to iran
Start planning your trip Iran Tour now.
IRAN with 26 UNESCO World Heritage Sites is one of the countries you have to visit. So, if you haven’t traveled to Iran yet or you would like to see some other parts of Iran you didn’t visit before, don’t be doubtful anymore. It is high time you started planning your trip to Iran and see what this ancient country is like by yourself. In addition, after the outbreak of the Covid-19, you now have the chance of planning your trip and you will always have the chance to reschedule your trip if the situations deteriorate.
Visit attractions in Iran-Culture Trip
About Iran Holidays and 10 best Iran tours & trips 2022
Iran tourism is very attractive for tourists from different parts of the world. These trips are held in the form of the 10 best Iran tours & trips 2021/2022 to several destinations in one region Iran Holidays. Also, sometimes tours from the north to the south of Iran. Iran tours are very attractive due to the conditions of the event. If you are planning to visit Iran, be sure to participate in these tours. Of course, Nowruz tours in Iran are much more diverse. Also, you can take full advantage of the Nowruz holiday for Iran tours.